West Texas

West Texas

Monday, December 6, 2021

3-Factor Weighted Hunt Quality Index (HQI)

Birmingham, Alabama 

The hunting community has know for centuries that deer activity is influenced by the lunar cycle, mating cycle and weather conditions. I created a model to quantify the overall hunt quality which is synonymous with day-time deer activity. The index can range from 0 to 100 where 100 would represent a "trifecta" of optimal conditions including peak rut, cold weather and a new moon.

The chart indicated that January 6th and January 8th offered the best whitetail hunting conditions during the 2020-2021 Alabama whitetail hunting season. This considering the peak rut for the Jefferson county whitetail population and climate data from Birmingham, Alabama. I've also updated the 2021-2022 model to include a precipitation correction, weather forecast input (this allows for a 14 day future prediction of the HQI) and a recommendation for a morning or afternoon hunt. Of course, us dedicated hunters will always want to hunt morning and afternoon. 

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