West Texas

West Texas

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

West Texas Whitetails

This year I had the privilege to go on a West Texas hunting trip. I was invited on the trip by my good friend and co-worker, David. He had a spot open up and I jumped at the opportunity. We set out with the intentions of hunting mule deer and aoudad for the first time. We had to change our plans midway through the hunt and I was able to kill a very nice West Texas whitetail and aoudad ewe. I used my new GoPro camera throughout the trip to make a short video of the hunt. I hope you enjoy!

December 4, 2015
Terlingua, Texas 

We started our trip hunting on a property near Terlingua, Texas for mule deer and aoudad. This was our first experience with Midwestern plains game. This is a very different style of hunting than your traditional whitetail hunting. Hunting Midwestern plains game means spending most of the day hiking and glassing for animals. December 4th started before dawn as we made our way to the 'Red Knob.' The Red Knob was the name of the mountain that we would be hunting the few days. We saw a few trophy aoudad ram early in the morning but we wanted to hold out for a trophy mule deer. We hiked and glassed all morning and put a stalk on a few mule deer but we never saw any quality deer. We were nearing the end of the morning hunt when we came up on our last herd of aoudad and the guide allowed me to shoot an ewe so he could have the meat. The shot ended up being 267 yards and I was very glad that I had spent time at the range before the hunt. Aoudad, also known as Barbary sheep, are native to the mountains of North Africa and have been introduced to West Texas. The alpha male in an aoudad herd will have a darker coat than the other and will have a mane that reaches down his neck. These animals are more aggressive than the native big horn sheep and are considered a nuisance for that reason.

December 6, 2015

Sonora, Texas

I was able change hunting properties midway through the hunt and go after a West Texas whitetail. I drove to Sonora, Texas to the Shurley Brother's Ranch which is a MLD level III property. A MLD permit is only issued to property owners that implement the most strict deer management practices. I was able to punch my tag on a huge West Texas whitetail my first afternoon. This deer was the most dominant buck in the area that I was hunting. Earlier in the afternoon he had fought a smaller 8-point running him out of the area. I knew the rut was in full swing when I shot my deer only because he was chasing a doe. I was able to see several mature bucks and doe during my short time at this ranch.

Thanks to Muley Mike and the West Texas Hunt Organization for a great hunt!